Friday, March 24, 2017

Adding to the First Task

Our second task was to choose one of the collages we made and create a section out of it by making another collage. I took the third collage/floor plan I created and mapped out where cut lines and elevation lines would be. I then reprinted the plan and cut it into pieces again to add them to the mapped out section lines. This created new patterns and forms in which I will use to figure out how my building will look in section.

Third Floor plan that my section was based off of


Third Obstruction: Exquisite Corpse

Our third obstruction is called the Exquisite Corpse. Our first task was to take our building and make three different collages out of it to create new spaces, patterns and forms. I took the three floors of my building and used them to create three different collages. I only used pieces from the first floor to create the first collage and the same strategy for the second and third floors. I didn't mix pieces between the three plans.

First Floor Collage/Plan/Section

 Second Floor Collage/Plan/Section

Third Floor Collage/Plan/Section

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Flip Flop House Final Crit

Today we had the final crit for the This and That House design. We had to do two drawings, a model, and two "drawings without paper" using wax/plaster and wire. The feedback that I got from the critics was interesting. They suggested I look further into connecting each facade and use more double height spaces as a way to do so. They also proposed a staggering concept to go along with the double height space idea which I thought would have been cool. I wish we could have had a little bit more time to develop our designs further.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Working on Designs and with Wax

I continued working on my design for the This or That House. I moved the placement of my stairs and made sure I had all of the original rooms in this version of the design. Also, I experimented with the wax for my "drawing without paper." My model broke so I had to arrange the pieces as they would have looked if it didn't break from the mold. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

First Ideas for Flip Flop House

This week we started to think about potential designs for the second obstruction. I tried to work my designs around the 5 opposite aspects of the original house that I talked about in my last post.