Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Final Crit: Obstruction 5

Yesterday we had our final crit for obstruction 5.

My site was the Prudential Tower in Boston, Massachusetts

Diagram of Structure and Floor Plans




Friday, April 28, 2017

Figuring Out Program

This week I experimented and made some drawdels out of the floor plan of my original building. From them I got three platforms with different cut outs. I intertwined the three in a way where they have interesting spacial relationships. I drew an axon to understand the spaces better. I also drew simple floor plans and an elevation to help me understand it better.

Drawdel's set up with one another




Monday, April 24, 2017

Obstruction 4 (This and That) Final Crit

This past Friday we had our final crit for Obstruction 4.

Floor Plans

Original Perspectives (top) and New Perspectives (bottom)

Colt State Park (Site)

Section Dioramas 

Simple Massing Model

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Final Plans and Sections

This weekend I got my final designs down on paper. My building is going to be a restaurant with both casual and formal seating. It will also have a function room and outdoor patio seating.

Design Design Design

I took the three perspectives that I was planning to base my building off of and sketched out how I thought the spaces would look in a plan view. I drew some rough sections to get a sense of the heights and lengths of the spaces. 

I then took a straight edge to the shape and tried to define it more. I did this to both the plans and sections. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

More Design Options

Our next task for the This and That House was to create at least 3 more perspectives from the interior perspectives of our house.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Obstruction 4: This and That

Our first task for the fourth obstruction was to take fragments of interior perspectives of our house and create new perspectives out of them.

Then we were asked to have another person (Emily) recreate one of the views we had already created. After, I gave her another fragment of an interior view and she was asked to create her own drawing of it.