Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Moving Forward with the Design

My plans for this week started off looking like this (as you can see below in these photos). I made changes to them from last week and made sure I was including all the program from the original design. I made the main building, as well as the secondary building, longer to fit everything I needed with the right amount of square footage. I also used the same type of stair system in this design as the original plan uses. 

I want the two buildings to connect in a way that relates to the original design because I feel as though they are very separate entities. I am thinking that the top floor of the second building may turn into an L-shape to allow for more space to fit all of the program and also to attach itself to the main building. This will therefore be accessible by the main staircase in the first building and will also enclose the exterior space and make it more defined.

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